Sexual Disconnection...

Are you feeling sexually disconnected from your partner? We are taught the myth in our culture that sexual connection and desire should occur spontaneously. We are not taught that the erotic and intimate side of long-term relationship needs to be tended to on a regular basis.

What are you doing to tend to the erotic realm of your relationship? A few ideas...

  • Pay attention to your partner in a new way. Can you see them through fresh eyes and appreciate something new about them?
  • Change it up. Novelty is inherently erotic. Connect intimately in a new way, a new place, or a new time.
  • Let touch linger. Be mindful of the way you are physically interacting with your partner. Have you fell into a pattern of hugging them, kissing them, in a way you would a family member? Touch your partner as if they are your lover...

Questions, comments? I'd love to here them. 


Low Libido in Women


Can you relate to these findings?