Low Libido in Women

Are you a female in Bend or the Central Oregon area experiencing low libido? Libido and desire can be a complex and multifaceted area to unpack, but here are a few tips to get you started...

1) increase your heart rate (You may notice a change in libido with even a small amount of intense exercise. Jump-roaping is my go-to.)

2) connect with your body (what sort of practices to you have to connect with your body on a daily basis? you can begin by just noticing the way your breath feels :))

3) manage your stress (I cannot emphasize enough how much stress can be a libido killer for women. what systems do you have in place to manage your stress? yoga, taking a bath, going on a walk, talking to a friend; these may be a few places to start).

Have any questions? I'd be happy to answer them. 


Pulse Check


Sexual Disconnection...