Consciously create the conditions you want for good sex...

“For instance, passionate lovers who appreciate surprises become adept at deliberately breaking their sexual routines with playful experimentation. Creating unexpected turn-ons isn’t simply a matter of behaving less predictably—although this certainly helps. It also requires the ability to increase your capacity for being surprised. Zestful lovers allow themselves to be caught off-guard. On the other hand, I’ve often noticed how bored lovers develop an uncanny ability to miss opportunities for surprise, usually because they stop paying attention.

Too many people also assume that they can only wait and hope for idyllic situations or partners to bring special excitement to their lives. Passionate lovers discover that lucky moments happen more frequently to those who consciously devise the necessary conditions. And far more than we realize, the seemingly magical appearance of an ideal partner is a mixture of happenstance and a heightened readiness on the part of the beholder to perceive beauty.”

Dr. Jack Morin from The Erotic Mind


Why viewing sex as an obligation can set the stage for trouble…


We must cultivate a whole new way of perceiving